Well, since this is my first review, I thoght I'd start out with that old juggernaut, The Phantom Menace! Now, I know by now my strange blog followers, that you can probalbly assume how this will go. You probably think i'm going to a) Bash Jar Jar for being annoying, b) bash Jake Lloyd and/or Natalie Portman's acting, c) bash the midi-chlorian idea, or d) all of the above. YOU ARE WRONG SIR! I will not do any of this! Instead, I will give you a positive review.
I will start with the story, simply for the sake of tradition among reviewing movies and other works. Qui-Gon Jiin, and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi attempt to settle a blockade of a planet called Naboo by the Trade Federation. These 'negotiations' fail, and they are forced to escape to the planet below. Eventually, they find Jar Jar Binks, rescue the Queen, and escape. However, their ship was damaged during said escape, and they're forced to stop and make repairs, and why the heck am I even doing this? You people should know the plot, why do I have to tell you? You're geeks, same as me, why am I telling you things you would have to hand in your geek licenses for if you didn't know them? Any ways, on to the actual review of the plot. The story was good, and very engaging - especially the parts about Anakin. The only real complaint I have is that the Midichlorions could've been handled better. I don't mind them, I think it works for them finding out about Anakin and all, but George could've explained it more, and basically tell the audiance that thet are, at least, as I've almost always thought of them, a physical manifestation of the Force. Anyways, that's about it for plot, which is the biggest factor in my oppinion.
The fight scenes and vehicle sequences were truely spectacular. Compare them to the original version of A New Hope, and you'll see what I mean. Honestly, the fights were a lot more action-packed and suspensfull than the ones seen in the Original Trilogy. Casting Ray Park as Darth Maul's body was one of George's best decisions ever. And the Podrace and Starfight were fun to watch and the difference in FX between the Originals was painfully obvious. This is not to say the effects were bad in The first movies, but the ones in here were a lot better. I enjoy the Trench Run myself, but liked it more in the 2004 version with updated effects.
The charecters were also great. Liam Neeson is a terriffic actor, and so is Ewan McGregor. Jake Lloyd seemed pretty good to me, and my Dad thinks he was good, so you know, he can't be all that bad. Natalie Portman did pretty good in my oppinion too. Well, I guess that sums up the charecters.
All in all, I think it was a pretty good movie. There is one thing I should point out though. I did not see this in theaters, mainly because I was too young. and you've gotta be pretty young not to be able to see a Star Wars movie. Iwasn't able to understand the Hype at the time, (which I've heard was massive by the way) so I went into this movie without any real idea what I'd get. And honestly, four-year olds are easily impressed. Plus, this was the first Star Wars movie I'd ever seen. These are reasons why I think my generation is more accepting of the film. Anyways, I liked it, but I felt I should put out there that there are reasons why I like this film more than the average older Star Wars fan. See you at my next review!
P.S. In an unrelated note, I've decided to write a fanfic called 'The 42'nd Brigade'! Coming soon to a fourm section on Lotus fleet called the 'Holonovel Suite' near you!
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